Wolf, Katrin and Lischke, Lars and Sas, Corina and Schmidt, albtrecht (2016) The value of information cues for lifelog video navigation. In: MUM '16 Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia :. ACM, FIN, pp. 153-157. ISBN 9781450348607
the_value_of_information_cues_for_lifelogg_video_navigation.pdf - Accepted Version
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With the advent of lifelogging cameras the amount of personal video material is massively growing to an extent that easily overwhelms the user. To efficiently review lifelog data, we need well designed video navigation tools. In this paper, we analyze which cues are most beneficial for lifelog video navigation. We show that the information kind determines the most appropriate cue in single cue systems, but that multicue approaches are more appreciated. These findings can inspire to design video players with multiple navigation cues, including time, place, persons, and events for easier and more efficient lifelog video retrieval.