Imagining higher education in the European knowledge economy : Discourse and ideas in communications of the EU

Komljenovič, Janja and Miklavič, Klemen (2013) Imagining higher education in the European knowledge economy : Discourse and ideas in communications of the EU. In: The Globalisation Challenge for European Higher Education : Convergence and Diversity, Centres and Peripheries. Higher Education Research and Policy . Peter Lang, pp. 31-54. ISBN 9783631672990

[thumbnail of Komljenovic and Miklavic 2013 Imagining higher education in the European knowledge economy]
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The paper focuses on the role of EU institutions in European higher education. Following the outset of the EU Lisbon Strategy (2000), the EU Commission positioned itself as an influential venue for generating, coordinating and communicating discourse on higher education (within the Bologna Process and beyond). Gradually, the scattered ideas converged into a relatively detailed set of policy proposals on the systemic and institutional reforms needed to engage higher education in the regional economic project. The ideas evolved within the imagined knowledge economy. The dominance of this political rationale has resulted in the steady advance of the Europeanisation of higher education, including the incremental tendency to transfer national competencies to supranational arenas - so far limited to soft instruments such as recommendations, guidelines, reporting and common actions.

Item Type:
Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? discourseseu institutionseu policyeuropeanisationhigher educationideasknowledge economyuniversitygeneral social sciences ??
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Deposited On:
11 Oct 2016 12:38
Last Modified:
14 Mar 2025 01:06