Orbits : gaze interaction for smart watches using smooth pursuit eye movements

Abreu Esteves, Augusto and Velloso, Eduardo and Bulling, Andreas and Gellersen, Hans (2015) Orbits : gaze interaction for smart watches using smooth pursuit eye movements. In: UIST '15 Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software & Technology :. ACM, USA, pp. 457-466. ISBN 9781450337793

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We introduce Orbits, a novel gaze interaction technique that enables hands-free input on smart watches. The technique relies on moving controls to leverage the smooth pursuit movements of the eyes and detect whether and at which control the user is looking at. In Orbits, controls include targets that move in a circular trajectory in the face of the watch, and can be selected by following the desired one for a small amount of time. We conducted two user studies to assess the technique's recognition and robustness, which demonstrated how Orbits is robust against false positives triggered by natural eye movements and how it presents a hands-free, high accuracy way of interacting with smart watches using off-the-shelf devices. Finally, we developed three example interfaces built with Orbits: a music player, a notifications face plate and a missed call menu. Despite relying on moving controls -- very unusual in current HCI interfaces -- these were generally well received by participants in a third and final study.

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Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings
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Deposited On:
18 May 2016 14:58
Last Modified:
22 Aug 2024 23:13