Li, Yifan and Nolte, Ingmar and Nolte, Sandra (2015) High-frequency volatility estimation and the relative importance of market microstructure variables. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED.
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
In this paper we use an autoregressive conditional intensity approach to estimate local high-frequency volatility, and examine to what extent a large universe of market microstructure variables affects local volatility. Our findings support a sequential information arrival hypothesis on the high-frequency level since we show that contemporaneous trading volume is negatively, and lagged trading volume is positively related to local volatility. The use of a penalized likelihood method allows us to obtain a ranking in terms of the relative importance of all market microstructure variables considered. We find that, in a descending order, contemporaneous volume, bid-ask spread, absolute order imbalance, absolute order flow and absolute quote difference carry the most important information for local volatility modelling.