Low-load rotor-synchronised Hahn-echo pulse train (RS-HEPT) H-1 decoupling in solid-state NMR : factors affecting MAS spin-echo dephasing times

Griffin, John M. and Tripon, Carmen and Samoson, Ago and Filip, Claudiu and Brown, Steven P. (2007) Low-load rotor-synchronised Hahn-echo pulse train (RS-HEPT) H-1 decoupling in solid-state NMR : factors affecting MAS spin-echo dephasing times. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 45 (S1). S198-S208. ISSN 0749-1581

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Transverse dephasing times T-2' in spin-echo MAS NMR using rotor-synchronised Hahn-echo pulse-train (RS-HEPT) low-load H-1 decoupling are evaluated. Experiments were performed at 300 and 600 MHz for (CH)-C-13-labelled L-alanine and (NH)-N-15(delta)-labelled L-histidine center dot HCl center dot H2O, together with SPINEVOLUTION simulations for a ten-spin system representing the crystal structure environment of the (CH)-C-13 carbon in L-alanine. For 30 kHz MAS and nu(1)(H-1) = 100 kHz at 300 MHz, a RS-HEPT T-2' value of 17 +/- 1 ms was obtained for (CH)-C-13-labelled L-alanine which is similar to 50% of the XiX T-2' value of 33 +/- 2 ms. Optimum RS-HEPT decoupling performance is observed for a relative phase of alternate RS-HEPT pi-pulses, Delta phi = phi' - phi, between 40 and 60 degrees. For experiments at 600 MHz and 30 kHz MAS with (CH)-C-13-labelled L-alanine, the best RS-HEPT (nu(1)(H-1) = 100 kHz) T-2' value was 3 times longer than that observed for low-power continuously applied sequences with nu(1)(H-1)

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? nmrh-1c-13n-15masspin-echolow-load h-1 decouplingdephasing timesbond carbon-carbonx-ray-diffractionmagnetic-resonance-spectroscopyc-13-c-13 j-couplingscross-polarizationneutron-diffractionquadrupolar nucleidisordered solidsshift correlationscalar coupling ??
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Deposited On:
28 Sep 2015 14:28
Last Modified:
10 Sep 2024 12:50