Open-circuit voltage recovery in type II GaSb/GaAs quantum ring solar cells under high concentration

Fujita, Hiromi and Carrington, Peter J. and Wagener, Magnus C. and Botha, Johannes R. and Marshall, Andrew R. J. and James, Juanita and Krier, Anthony and Lee, Kan-Hua and Ekins-Daukes, Nicholas John (2015) Open-circuit voltage recovery in type II GaSb/GaAs quantum ring solar cells under high concentration. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 23 (12). pp. 1896-1900. ISSN 1099-159X

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We report on the open-circuit voltage recovery in GaSb quantum ring (QR) solar cells under high solar concentration up to 2500 suns. The detailed behaviour of type II GaSb/GaAs QR solar cells under solar concentration, using different temperatures and light illumination conditions, is analysed through optical and electrical measurements. Although enhancement of the short-circuit current was observed because of sub-bandgap photon absorption in the QR, the thermionic emission rate of holes was found to be insufficient for ideal operation. The direct excitation of electron–hole pairs into QRs has revealed that the accumulation of holes is one of the causes of the open-circuit voltage (VOC) degradation. However, using concentrated light up to 2500 suns, the GaSb QR cell showed much quicker VOC recovery rate than a GaAs control cell.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications
Additional Information:
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Fujita, H., Carrington, P. J., Wagener, M. C., Botha, J. R., Marshall, A. R. J., James, J., Krier, A., Lee, K.-H., and Ekins-Daukes, N. J. (2015) Open-circuit voltage recovery in type II GaSb/GaAs quantum ring solar cells under high concentration. Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl., 23: 1896–1900. doi: 10.1002/pip.2615 which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance With Wiley Terms and Conditions for self-archiving.
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? solar cellquantum dots and ringsgallium antimonideconcentrationelectronic, optical and magnetic materialselectrical and electronic engineeringcondensed matter physicsrenewable energy, sustainability and the environment ??
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Deposited On:
28 Sep 2015 11:05
Last Modified:
05 Feb 2025 01:00