An evaluation of ozone dry deposition in global scale chemistry climate models

Hardacre, C. and Wild, O. and Emberson, L. (2015) An evaluation of ozone dry deposition in global scale chemistry climate models. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15 (11). pp. 6419-6436. ISSN 1680-7316

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Dry deposition to the Earth's surface is an important process from both an atmospheric and biospheric perspective. Dry deposition controls the atmospheric abundance of many compounds as well as their input to vegetative surfaces, thus linking the atmosphere and biosphere. In many atmospheric and Earth system models it is represented using "resistance in series" schemes developed in the 1980s. These methods have remained relatively unchanged since their development and do not take into account more recent understanding of the underlying processes that have been gained through field and laboratory based studies. In this study we compare dry deposition of ozone across 15 models which contributed to the TF HTAP model intercomparison to identify where differences occur. We compare modelled dry deposition of ozone to measurements made at a variety of locations in Europe and North America, noting differences of up to a factor of two but no clear systematic bias over the sites examined. We identify a number of measures that are needed to provide a more critical evaluation of dry deposition fluxes and advance model development.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? chemical-transport modelgeneral-circulation modeltropospheric ozoneatmospheric chemistrytrace gasesair-qualityland-coverstomatal conductancenorway sprucerain-forestatmospheric science ??
ID Code:
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Deposited On:
06 Aug 2015 07:54
Last Modified:
23 Mar 2025 01:12