Negotiating spaces for literacy learning : multimodality and governmentality

Hamilton, Mary and Heydon, Rachel and Hibbert, Kathy and Stooke, Roz, eds. (2015) Negotiating spaces for literacy learning : multimodality and governmentality. Bloomsbury Academic, London. ISBN 9781472587459

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The volume provides a needed discussion addressing the intersection of technologies of literacies, education, and self, and it does so through diverse foci including: philosophical, theoretical, and methodological treatments of multimodality and governmentality, early years and primary literacies, workplace literacies, digital literacies and higher education, middle and secondary school literacies, Indigenous literacies, adult literacies, and literacies of place. The breadth of these foci provide readers with the opportunity to see a range of multimodal practices and the ways in which governmentality plays out across domains. Contributors raise fundamental and timely questions of multimodality and governmentality such as: What literacies are produced across domains? What are their functions and whose interests do they serve? How are literacy curricula produced, configured, and enacted and with what effects? How, for example, are learners and educators positioned within these literacies? How are the literacies implicated in the formation of subjectivities? What do people’s bodies do in relation to these literacies? What are the implications for knowledge construction and the creation of identity and communication options? In what ways might multimodal literacies and their ensuing curricula and pedagogies extend and/or limit the powers of educators and learners?

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18 Jun 2015 06:15
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16 Jul 2024 06:34