The convergence of the physical, mental and virtual

Gunnarsdottir, Kristrun (2011) The convergence of the physical, mental and virtual. Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology, 4 (3): 1. pp. 1-6. ISSN 1941-6008

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This editorial introduces a special issue of Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology, centring on the convergence of the physical, mental and virtual. The idea of publishing a special issue on this matter came about at a conference, ICT that makes the difference, organised by the consortium of a FP7-funded project, ICTethics. In particular, we wanted to foreground some of the material presented and debated in sessions on the role of assistive robotics, the use of RFIDs and other implants for brain/body-device interactions, and issues surrounding ‘medical access to the brain’. The special issue takes as its point of departure the gap that exists between the visionary work and experimentation undertaken by scientists, and the results of theoretical and practical reflection on issues of ethical, legal and social relevance. One of the objectives of the ICTethics project is to investigate how ELSA studies can be operationally embedded in the early stages of ICT design and development, as well as in agenda setting for S&T research. But to what extent do scientists, policy-makers, ELSA scholars and other stakeholders network and communicate to bring about improved conditions for good governance and professional accountability? The special issue brings together cutting-edge experimenters, philosophers and ELSA scholars, as both authors and commentators, to explore some of the latest developments that manifest convergence of the physical, mental and virtual, and relate them specifically to issues of selfhood, identity and responsibility, empathy, medical ethics, social robustness and accountability. In doing this, we hope to set an example of how radically different disciplines can communicate and complement each other’s work.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? technology convergenceroboticsimplantartificial companionelsiadvanced therapiesbrain-gene transferidentityselfhoodvulnerabilitybioethicspragmatismprivacydata protectionsecuritysocial sciences (miscellaneous)sociology and political sciencelawcomputer scien ??
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Deposited On:
18 Jun 2015 05:55
Last Modified:
22 Jan 2025 01:55