Atick-Witten Hagedorn Conjecture, near scale-invariant matter and blue-tilted gravity power spectrum

Biswas, Tirthabir and Koivisto, Tomi and Mazumdar, Anupam (2014) Atick-Witten Hagedorn Conjecture, near scale-invariant matter and blue-tilted gravity power spectrum. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1408 (8): 116. ISSN 1029-8479

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We will provide an interesting new mechanism to generate almost scale invariant seed density perturbations with a red spectrum, while keeping the gravitational wave spectrum blue-tilted in a stringy thermal contracting phase at temperatures beyond the Hagedorn temperature. This phase is often referred to as the Hagedorn phase where the free energy has been conjectured by Atick and Witten to grow more slowly than ordinary radiation. The primordial fluctuations are created by the statistical thermal fluctuations determined by the partition function, rather than quantum vacuum driven fluid dynamical fluctuations. Our mechanism assumes a non-singular bounce.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Journal of High Energy Physics
Additional Information:
Open Access, c The Authors. Article funded by SCOAP3. The original publication is available at
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? cosmology of theories beyond the smstring field theorynuclear and high energy physics ??
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Deposited On:
01 Sep 2014 08:27
Last Modified:
15 Jan 2025 01:46