IoT interoperability : a hub-based approach

Blackstock, Michael and Lea, Rodger (2014) IoT interoperability : a hub-based approach. In: Internet of Things (IOT), 2014, 4th International Conference on the :. IEEE, pp. 79-84.

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Interoperability in the Internet of Things is critical for emerging services and applications. In this paper we advocate the use of IoT ‘hubs’ to aggregate things using web protocols, and suggest a staged approach to interoperability. In the context of a UK government funded project involving 8 IoT projects to address cross-domain IoT interoperability, we introduce the HyperCat IoT catalogue specification. We then describe the tools and techniques we developed to adapt an existing data portal and IoT platform to this specification, and provide an IoT hub focused on the highways industry called ‘Smart Streets’. Based on our experience developing this large scale IoT hub, we outline lessons learned which we hope will contribute to ongoing efforts to create an interoperable global IoT ecosystem.

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Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings
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Deposited On:
10 Jun 2014 08:04
Last Modified:
19 Mar 2025 01:04