Search for Zgamma events with large missing transverse energy in ppbar collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV

Collaboration, D0 and Bertram, Iain and Borissov, Guennadi and Fox, Harald and Ross, Anthony and Williams, Mark and Ratoff, Peter (2012) Search for Zgamma events with large missing transverse energy in ppbar collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV. Physical Review D, 86 (7): 071701(R). ISSN 1550-7998

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We present the first search for supersymmetry (SUSY) in Zgamma final states with large missing transverse energy using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 6.2 fb-1 collected with the D0 experiment in ppbar collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV. This signature is predicted in gauge-mediated SUSY-breaking models, where the lightest neutralino is the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP) and is produced in pairs, possibly through decay from heavier supersymmetric particles. The NLSP can decay either to a Z boson or a photon and an associated gravitino that escapes detection. We exclude this model at the 95% C.L. for SUSY breaking scales of Lambda

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Physical Review D
Additional Information:
© 2012 American Physical Society
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Deposited On:
18 Apr 2013 15:52
Last Modified:
10 Mar 2025 01:48