Search for charged massive long-lived particles at sqrt(s)= 1.96 TeV

Collaboration, D0 and Bertram, Iain and Borissov, Guennadi and Fox, Harald and Ross, Anthony and Williams, Mark and Ratoff, Peter (2013) Search for charged massive long-lived particles at sqrt(s)= 1.96 TeV. Physical Review D, 87 (5): 052011. ISSN 1550-7998

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We present a search for charged massive long-lived particles (CMLLPs) that are pair produced in p-pbar collisions at sqrt(s)= 1.96 TeV collected by the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. Our result is a combination of two searches where either one or both CMLLPs are reconstructed in the detector. We select events with muon-like particles that have both speed and ionization energy loss dE/dx different from muons produced in p-pbar collisions. In the absence of evidence for CMLLPs corresponding to 6.3 fb-1 of integrated luminosity, we set limits on the CMLLP masses in several supersymmetric models, excluding masses below 278 GeV for long-lived gaugino-like charginos, and masses below 244 GeV for long-lived higgsino-like charginos at the 95% C.L. We also set limits on the cross section for pair production of long-lived scalar tau leptons that range from 0.04 pb to 0.008 pb for scalar tau lepton masses of 100 to 300 GeV.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Physical Review D
Additional Information:
© 2013 American Physical Society
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Deposited On:
15 Apr 2013 12:34
Last Modified:
09 Mar 2025 01:25