Conductance Oscillations in Zigzag Platinum Chains.

Garcia-Suarez, Victor and Rocha, A. R. and Bailey, S. W. and Lambert, C. J. and Sanvito, S. and Ferrer, J. (2005) Conductance Oscillations in Zigzag Platinum Chains. Physical review letters, 95 (25): 256804.

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Using first principles simulations we perform a detailed study of the structural, electronic, and transport properties of monatomic platinum chains, sandwiched between platinum electrodes. First, we demonstrate that the most stable atomic configuration corresponds to a zigzag arrangement that gradually straightens as the chains are stretched. Second, we find that the averaged conductance shows slight parity oscillations with the number n of atoms in the chain. Additionally, the conductance of chains of fixed n oscillates as the end atoms are pulled apart, due to the gradual closing and opening of conductance channels as the chain straightens.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Physical review letters
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? physicsphysics and astronomy(all)qc physics ??
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Deposited On:
22 Jun 2007
Last Modified:
16 May 2024 01:23