The Management Practices & Materials of Market Makers

Mason, Katy and Simoes, Claudia (2011) The Management Practices & Materials of Market Makers. In: Academy of Marketing Conference 2011, 2011-07-05 - 2011-07-07.

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This conceptual paper draws on routine theory and performativity theory to take a closer look at what happens inside organisational routines. Marketing routines are briefly discussed before considering how deepening our understanding of what happens inside the routines might be helpful in generating insights into how marketing routines become entangle with other organisational routines. We suggest that marketing routines create materials that become embedded as ostensive aspects of other organisational routines. In this way the materials generated by marketers - that describe, represent and project market and organisational action - are performative. Marketing materials end up shaping both inter-functional and inter-firm routines. Our argument is illustrated by considering how corporate identity artefacts might act as ostensive aspects of procurement routines. However our argument has much broader implications that this single setting and a research agenda is proposed.

Item Type:
Contribution to Conference (Paper)
Journal or Publication Title:
Academy of Marketing Conference 2011
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? management practicesmarket practicescorporate identitymarketinghf commercediscipline-based research ??
ID Code:
Deposited By:
Deposited On:
19 Jul 2012 16:41
Last Modified:
15 Jul 2024 08:17