John Ruskin and the Victorian theatre

Richards, Jeffrey and Newey, Kate (2010) John Ruskin and the Victorian theatre. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9780230524996

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This is the first book to explore the involvement of John Ruskin with the popular theatre of his age. Based on original archival research, the book offers a fresh look at the aesthetic and social theories of Ruskin and his direct and indirect influence on the commercial theatre of the late nineteenth century. As well as his writings, the book examines his friendships with major figures on the Victorian stage such as Henry Irving, Wilson Barrett, Madge Kendal and Mary Anderson. It highlights Ruskin’s fascination in particular with pantomime Shakespeare, toga plays and melodrama and casts new light on the role of theatre in Victorian cultural life.

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?? ruskintheatrevictorian theatrehistoryda great britain ??
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06 Jun 2012 10:10
Last Modified:
04 Sep 2024 00:29