Ishii, Akihiro and Akaishi, Akira and Shudo, Akira and Schomerus, Henning (2012) Weyl law for open systems with sharply divided mixed phase space. Physical Review E, 85 (4): 046203. ISSN 1539-3755
A generalization of the Weyl law to systems with a sharply divided mixed phase space is proposed. The ansatz is composed of the usual Weyl term which counts the number of states in regular islands and a term associated with sticky regions in phase space. For a piecewise linear map, we numerically check the validity of our hypothesis, and find good agreement not only for the case with a sharply divided phase space but also for the case where tiny island chains surround the main regular island. For the latter case, a nontrivial power law exponent appears in the survival probability of classical escaping orbits, which may provide a clue to develop the Weyl law for more generic mixed systems.