Testes size, testosterone production and reproductive behaviour in a natural mammalian mating system

Preston, Brian T. and Stevenson, Ian R. and Lincoln, Gerald A. and Monfort, Steven L. and Pilkington, Jill G. and Wilson, Kenneth (2012) Testes size, testosterone production and reproductive behaviour in a natural mammalian mating system. Journal of Animal Ecology, 81 (1). pp. 296-305. ISSN 0021-8790

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1. Testosterone (T) is a key mediator in the expression of numerous morphological and behavioural traits in mammals, but the factors underlying individual variation in circulating T levels are poorly understood. 2. The intimate structural integration of sperm and T production within the testes, alongside the dependency of sperm production on high levels of T, suggests that T requirements for spermatogenesis could be an important driver of individual differences in T. 3. To test this hypothesis, we examine how male capacity for sperm production ( as indicated by their testes size) is associated with T levels in a feral population of Soay sheep, resident on St. Kilda, Scotland, during their rutting season. 4. We found a strong positive relationship between an individual's testes size ( as measured before their seasonal enlargement) and the levels of circulating T during their rut, suggesting that T requirements for spermatogenesis has a prominent influence on the production of this androgen. 5. In contrast, body condition and competitive ability did not independently predict T levels, findings that are inconsistent with conventional 'condition-dependent' and 'challenge' hypotheses of T production. 6. This influence of male's capacity for sperm production on T appeared to be substantial enough to be biologically relevant, as testes size also predicted male aggression and mate-seeking behaviour. 7. Our results suggest that a male's inherent capacity for sperm and T production is tightly phenotypically integrated, with potential consequences for a wide range of other T-mediated reproductive traits.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Journal of Animal Ecology
Additional Information:
This is a post-print of an article published in Journal of Animal Ecology, 81 (1), 2012. (c) Wiley.
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? aggressionchallenge hypothesiscondition dependencesexual behavioursoay sheepsperm competitionsperm competitionmate choicedomesticated breedscopulatory-behaviortesticular activityseasonal cyclessexual-behaviorsoay sheepandrogenramsenvironmental scienceecol ??
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Deposited On:
13 Apr 2012 11:45
Last Modified:
16 Mar 2025 01:03