L'imaginaire économique et l'économie politique des échelles (The Economic Imaginary and the Political Economy of Scale).

Jessop, Bob (2007) L'imaginaire économique et l'économie politique des échelles (The Economic Imaginary and the Political Economy of Scale). In: La gouvernance territoriale : pratiques, discours et théories :. Droit et société., Série politique, 44 (44). LGDJ Editions, Paris, pp. 65-85. ISBN 2275031014

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This chapter presents a cultural political economy (hereafter CPE) perspective on economic and political governance. CPE is a distinctive post-disciplinary approach that takes the cultural turn seriously in political economy, regarding economic and political relations as inherently semiotic, whilst insisting on the distinctive materiality and dynamics of economic, political and cognate institutions and processes. CPE therefore offers an alternative approach to the study of ideology and the practice of Ideologiekritik as well as a different approach to governance and governance failure. After briefly presenting this approach, I then apply it to economic and territorial governance (and their interrelations) on different scales and over different time horizons. This enables me to discuss the limits of any attempts at governance economies, territories, and populations.

Item Type:
Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? cultural political economysemiotic and structural selectivitiesthe political economy of scaleterritorial governancehm sociology ??
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Deposited On:
18 May 2007
Last Modified:
16 Jul 2024 02:08