Magnetopause reconnection across wide local time

Dunlop, M. W. and Zhang, Q.-H. and Bogdanova, Y. V. and Trattner, K. J. and Pu, Z. and Hasegawa, H. and Berchem, J. and Taylor, M. G. G. T. and Volwerk, M. and Eastwood, J.P. and Lavraud, B. and Shen, C. and Shi, J.-K. and Wang, J. and Constantinescu, D. and Fazakerley, A. N. and Frey, H. and Sibeck, D. and Escoubet, P. and Wild, James and Liu, Z.-X. and Carr, C. M. (2011) Magnetopause reconnection across wide local time. Annales Geophysicae, 29 (9). pp. 1683-1697. ISSN 0992-7689

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During April to July 2007 a combination of 10 spacecraft provided simultaneous monitoring of the dayside magnetopause across a wide range of local times. The array of four Cluster spacecraft, separated at large distances (10 000 km), were traversing the dawn-side magnetopause at high and low latitudes; the five THEMIS spacecraft were often in a 4 + 1 grouped configuration, traversing the low latitude, dusk-side magnetosphere, and the Double star, TC-1 spacecraft was in an equatorial orbit between the local times of the THEMIS and Cluster orbits. We show here a number of near simultaneous conjunctions of all 10 spacecraft at the magnetopause. One conjunction identifies an extended magnetic reconnection X-line, tilted in the low latitude, sub-solar region, which exists together with active anti-parallel reconnection sites extending to locations on the dawn-side flank. Oppositely moving FTE's are observed on all spacecraft, consistent with the initially strong IMF By conditions and the comparative locations of the spacecraft both dusk-ward and dawn-ward of noon. Comparison with other conjunctions of magnetopause crossings, which are also distributed over wide local times, supports the result that reconnection activity may occur at many sites simultaneously across the sub-solar and flank magnetopause, but linked to the large scale (extended) configuration of the merging line; broadly depending on IMF orientation. The occurrence of MR therefore inherently follows a "component" driven scenario irrespective of the guide field conditions. Some conjunctions allow the global magnetopause response to IMF changes to be observed and the distribution of spacecraft can directly confirm its shape, motion and deformation at local noon, dawn and dusk-side, simultaneously.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Annales Geophysicae
Additional Information:
From special edition "Cluster 10th anniversary workshop", Editor(s): I. A. Daglis, R. Nakamura, M. Taylor, and A. Masson.
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? earth and planetary sciences (miscellaneous)astronomy and astrophysicsatmospheric sciencegeologyspace and planetary science ??
ID Code:
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Deposited On:
03 Oct 2011 10:40
Last Modified:
20 Mar 2025 00:59