Quantum-mechanical spin states and Zeeman-level diagrams of the positively charged exciton

Hayne, M and Vanhoucke, Tony and Moshchalkov, Victor V (2003) Quantum-mechanical spin states and Zeeman-level diagrams of the positively charged exciton. Physical review B, 68 (3): 035322. -. ISSN 1550-235X

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We consider the spin interaction in the Hamiltonian for the positively charged exciton X+, determining the spin states and Zeeman-level diagrams for X+ in which the heavy- and light-hole bands are degenerate and nondegenerate. The former case results in an X+ with quintuplet and septet states in addition to the singlet and triplet states that are also observed for the negatively charged exciton X-. When the heavy- and light-hole bands are split X+ can comprise two heavy holes, two light holes, or a heavy and a light hole. The heavy-hole X+ Zeeman-level diagram is found to be completely analogous to that of X-, while the light-hole X+ has more optical transitions and a different Zeeman splitting in photoluminescence. X+ consisting of a heavy and a light hole has no coupled hole states, and is truly a heavy- (or light-) hole exciton plus a light (heavy) hole.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Physical review B
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Deposited On:
19 Sep 2011 11:00
Last Modified:
31 Aug 2024 23:31