Rivera, Olga and Murphy, Anne and Pittaway, Luke (2003) Social identity and leadership in the Basque Region: a study of leadership development programmes. Working Paper. Institute for Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development, Lancaster University.
The purpose of the study is to explore how social identity influences the construction of leadership development programmes in the Basque Region. The Basque region is recognised as having a strong social and national identity (Kaufmann and Tödtling, 2000; McNeill, 2000). Historically leadership development has been focused on practising leaders and managers and delivered by universities, consultants and other intermediaries. A recent study undertaken by Olga Rivera has shown managerial dissatisfaction with current provision in the Basque Region and has illustrated a need for provision to focus on 'skills' for 'leadership'. What is meant by 'skills' and 'leadership' is, however, embedded within the Spanish language and identity of the region; as illustrated by the influence of the co-operative movement (Kasmir, 1996; Whyte, 1999). The paper introduces theories of social identity as they are applied to the study of leadership and it explores how theories of social identity can help explain perceptions of leadership in the Basque region.