Saario, A. S. (2001) Invisible Tattoos. UNSPECIFIED.
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Early Career Researcher. The work is an exploration of the borders of physicality and death of form in digital sound. It marks an apotheosis in the compositional perspective and aims, moving away from the process of implementing quantitative preconceived ideas and architectonic structuring models in composition, especially those of instrumental origin, to a mode of qualitative monitoring of compositional progress solely based on the perceivable sonic energy-trajectories present in the sounding material. To paraphrase Deleuze and Guattari this work moves from the realm of logos to that of nomadic assemblage: from planes of organization to planes of consistency. Tattoo-culture, thanatology and concepts of motion, as employed in Tai Chi, formed a trinity of poietic impulses and areas of research, directing the compositional focus to the flesh of sound and its decay in time in the digital age. Thus the conceptual aim became the negation of perceivable process-functions and (empty) symbolic fields of the language-machine, which require mental contemplation for the reading of their respective self-generated discourses. The destruction of pre-conceived formal principles enables the work to approach the mystical moment of 'now' and to appreciate the different organic forms rising out of the flow of time, out of emptiness - forms with no names. All forms lead to death; it is only a question of immediacy. Concert performances at: UNM ' Young Nordic Music Festival, Aarhus, 2001; CBSO-Centre, Birmingham, 2001. Installations at: Soundwaves Festival 2007, Brighton, June 2007, NUART 2004, Tollboden ' the old customs House, Stavanger, 2004 and AUTOGRAPH: Invisible Tattoos, WRAP culture house, Bergen, 2003. Streamed as part of bek_international on SoundLab Channel, a joint venture by ConcertHall at Media Centre, La Musee di 'visioniste and [R][R][F]2004, Biennale for Electronic Arts, Perth. Broadcast on Inner Space, Zagreb, 100.5FM. RAE_import_type : Composition RAE_uoa_type : LICA
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Deposited On:
28 Feb 2008 15:56
Last Modified:
15 Jul 2024 07:37