Sas, Corina and Luchian, Eric and Ball, Linden (2010) Investigating visual analogies for visual insight problems. In: DESIRE '10 Proceedings of the 1st DESIRE Network Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Design :. Desire Network, Aarhus, Denamrk, pp. 90-100.
Investigating_Visual_Analogies_final_1.pdf - Accepted Version
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Much research has focused on the impact of analogies in insight problem solving, but less work has investigated how the visual analogies for insight are actually constructed. Thus, it appears that in the search for their facilitative impact on the incubation effect, the understanding of what makes good visual analogies has somehow been lost. This paper presents preliminary work of constructing a set of 6 visual analogies and evaluating their impact on solving the visual problem of eight coins. Findings suggest that in visual analogies, the insight cues are the most beneficial ones, especially when integrated, and that depth cues are important surface aspects in facilitating incubation effect. Our findings support the facilitative cue theory and replicate previous outcomes on the importance of impasse experience as a prerequisite for analogical transfer.