Bencomo, Nelly and France, Robert and Blair, Gordon S. (2008) Second International Workshop on Models@run.time. In: Models in Software Engineering Workshops and Symposia at MoDELS 2007, Nashville, TN, USA, September 30 - October 5, 2007, Reports and Revised Selected Papers :. Lecture Notes in Computer Science . Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 206-211. ISBN 978-3-540-69069-6
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
The second edition of the workshop Models@run.time was co-located with the ACM/IEEE 10th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems. The workshop took place in the lively city of Nashville, USA, on the 2nd of October, 2007. The workshop was organised by Nelly Bencomo, Robert France, and Gordon Blair and was attended by at least 25 people from 7 countries. This summary gives an overview of the presentations and lively discussions that took place during the workshop.