Search for Dirac magnetic monopoles in e(+)e(-) collisions with the OPAL detector at LEP2.

Abbiendi, G. and Ainsley, C. and Akesson, P. F. and Alexander, G. and Anagnostou, G. and Anderson, K. J. and Asai, S. and Axen, D. and Bailey, I. and Barberio, E. and Barillari, T. and Barlow, R. J. and Batley, R. J. and Bechtle, P. and Behnke, T. and Bell, K. W. and Bell, P. J. and Bella, G. and Bellerive, A. and Benelli, G. and Bethke, S. and Biebel, O. and Boeriu, O. and Bock, P. and Boutemeur, M. and Braibant, S. and Brown, R. M. and Burckhart, H. J. and Campana, S. and Capiluppi, P. and Carnegie, R. K. and Carter, A. A. and Carter, J. R. and Chang, C. Y. and Charlton, D. G. and Ciocca, C. and Cozzi, M. and Csilling, A. and Cuffiani, M. and Dado, S. and Dallavalle, G. M. and De Roeck, A. and De Wolf, E. A. and Desch, K. and Dienes, B. and Dubbert, J. and Duchovni, E. and Duckeck, G. and Duerdoth, I. P. and Etzion, E. and Fabbri, F. and Ferrari, P. and Fiedler, F. and Fleck, I. and Ford, M. and Frey, A. and Gagnon, P. and Gary, J. W. and Geich-Gimbel, C. and Giacomelli, G. and Giacomelli, P. and Giunta, M. and Goldberg, J. and Gross, E. and Grunhaus, J. and Gruwe, M. and Gupta, A. and Hajdu, C. and Hamann, M. and Hanson, G. G. and Harel, A. and Hauschild, M. and Hawkes, C. M. and Hawkings, R. and Herten, G. and Heuer, R. D. and Hill, J. C. and Horvath, D. and Igo-Kemenes, P. and Ishii, K. and Jeremie, H. and Jovanovic, P. and Junk, T. R. and Kanzaki, J. and Karlen, D. and Kawagoe, K. and Kawamoto, T. and Keeler, R. K. and Kellogg, R. G. and Kennedy, B. W. and Kluth, S. and Kobayashi, T. and Kobel, M. and Komamiya, S. and Kraemer, T. and Krasznahorkay, A. and Krieger, P. and vonKrogh, J. and Kuhl, T. and Kupper, M. and Lafferty, G. D. and Landsman, H. and Lanske, D. and Lellouch, D. and Letts, J. and Levinson, L. and Lillich, J. and Lloyd, S. L. and Loebinger, F. K. and Lu, J. and Ludwig, A. and Ludwig, J. and Mader, W. and Marcellini, S. and Martin, A. J. and Mashimo, T. and Maettig, P. and McKenna, J. and McPherson, R. A. and Meijers, F. and Menges, W. and Merritt, F. S. and Mes, H. and Meyer, N. and Michelini, A. and Mihara, S. and Mikenberg, G. and Miller, D. J. and Mohr, W. and Mori, T. and Mutter, A. and Nagai, K. and Nakamura, I. and Nanjo, H. and Neal, H. A. and O'Neale, S. W. and Oh, A. and Oreglia, M. J. and Orito, S. and Pahl, C. and Pasztor, G. and Pater, J. R. and Pilcher, J. E. and Pinfold, J. and Plane, D. E. and Pooth, O. and Przybycien, M. and Quadt, A. and Rabbertz, K. and Rembser, C. and Renkel, P. and Roney, J. M. and Rossi, A. M. and Rozen, Y. and Runge, K. and Sachs, K. and Saeki, T. and Sarkisyan, E. K. G. and Schaile, A. D. and Schaile, O. and Scharff-Hansen, P. and Schieck, J. and Schoerner-Sadenius, T. and Schroeder, M. and Schumacher, M. and Seuster, R. and Shears, T. G. and Shen, B. C. and Sherwood, P. and Skuja, A. and Smith, A. M. and Sobie, R. and Soeldner-Rembold, S. and Spano, F. and Stahl, A. and Strom, D. and Stroehmer, R. and Tarem, S. and Tasevsky, M. and Teuscher, R. and Thomson, M. A. and Torrence, E. and Toya, D. and Trigger, I. and Trocsanyi, Z. and Tsur, E. and Turner-Watson, M. F. and Ueda, I. and Ujvari, B. and Vollmer, C. F. and Vannerem, P. and Vertesi, R. and Verzocchi, M. and Voss, H. and Vossebeld, J. and Ward, C. P. and Ward, D. R. and Watkins, P. M. and Watson, A. T. and Watson, N. X. and Wells, P. S. and Wengler, T. and Wermes, N. and Wilson, G. W. and Wilson, J. A. and Wolf, G. and Wyatt, T. R. and Yamashita, S. and Zer-Zion, D. and Zivkovic, L. (2008) Search for Dirac magnetic monopoles in e(+)e(-) collisions with the OPAL detector at LEP2. Physics Letters B, 663 (1-2). pp. 37-42. ISSN 0370-2693

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This Letter describes a direct search for pair produced magnetic monopoles in e(+)e(-) collisions. The analysis is based on 62.7 pb(-1) of data collected with the OPAL detector at an average centre-of-mass energy of root S = 206.3 GeV. The monopole signal was assumed to be characterized by two back-to-back particles with an anomalously high ionization energy loss dE/dx in the tracking chambers. No evidence for production of monopoles was observed. Upper limits were obtained on the magnetic monopole pair-production cross-section (sigma) in the mass range 45 GeV/c(2) < m(M) < 102 GeV/c(2). The average limit is sigma < 0.05 pb and is essentially independent of the magnetic monopole mass. The cross-section limit is derived at the 95% confidence level and is valid for spin-1/2 magnetic monopoles. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.

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Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Physics Letters B
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?? nuclear and high energy physicsqc physics ??
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14 Dec 2010 09:14
Last Modified:
15 Jul 2024 11:10