Noise-enhanced optical heterodyning in an all-optical bistable system

Dykman, Mark and Golubev, G. P. and Kaufman, I. Kh. and Luchinsky, D. G. and McClintock, Peter V. E. and Zhukov, E. A. (1995) Noise-enhanced optical heterodyning in an all-optical bistable system. Applied Physics Letters, 67 (3). pp. 308-310. ISSN 1077-3118

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A new form of frequency-selective all-optical heterodyning at the difference frequency of two modulated laser beams, related to stochastic resonance, is reported. A noise-induced enhancement of the heterodyne signal and of the signal-to-noise ratio has been predicted and observed in an all-optical bistable system for the beams at different wavelengths.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Applied Physics Letters
Additional Information:
Copyright 1995 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Applied Physics Letters, 67 (3), 1995 and may be found at
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? physics and astronomy (miscellaneous)qc physics ??
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Deposited On:
09 Mar 2010 10:31
Last Modified:
30 Jan 2025 00:56