Griffiths, O. J. and Hendry, P. C. and McClintock, Peter V. E. and Nichol, H. A. (2003) Liquid He-4 and its superfluidity. In: Patterns of symmetry breaking :. NATO Science, Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry . Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 37-82. ISBN 1402017448
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
The properties of liquid 4He, and the present understanding of its superuidity, are reviewed. Brief accounts are given of its main physical properties, the 2-fluid model, the Landau excitation model, quantized vortex lines, and critical velocities and their origins. Two experiments in progress on vortex creation and decay are discussed in more detail: an attempt to carry out Zurek's experiment, using the superuid transition to model the GUT symmetry-breaking transition of the early universe; and an exploratory investigation of quantized turbulence in the mechanical vacuum below 50 mK.