Studies for a common selection software environment in ATLAS : from the Level-2 trigger to the offline reconstruction.

ATLAS, TDAQ authorlist and Smizanska, Maria (2004) Studies for a common selection software environment in ATLAS : from the Level-2 trigger to the offline reconstruction. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 51 (3 Part). pp. 915-920. ISSN 0018-9499

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The ATLAS High Level Trigger's (HLT) primary function of event selection will be accomplished with a Level-2 trigger farm and an event filter (EF) farm, both running software components developed in the ATLAS offline reconstruction framework. While this approach provides a unified software framework for event selection, it poses strict requirements on offline components critical for the Level-2 trigger. A Level-2 decision in ATLAS must typically be accomplished within 10 ms and with multiple event processing in concurrent threads. To address these constraints, prototypes have been developed that incorporate elements of the ATLAS data flow, high level trigger, and offline framework software. To realize a homogeneous software environment for offline components in the HLT, the Level-2 Steering Controller was developed. With electron/gamma- and muon-selection slices it has been shown that the required performance can be reached, if the offline components used are carefully designed and optimized for the application in the HLT.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? nuclear energy and engineeringelectrical and electronic engineeringnuclear and high energy physicsqc physics ??
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Deposited On:
01 May 2009 15:49
Last Modified:
23 Mar 2025 00:58