UNSPECIFIED (2006) Measurement of the $W$ boson mass and width in $e^+ e^-$ collisions at LEP. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 47 (2). pp. 309-335. ISSN 1434-6044

The mass of the W boson is determined from the direct reconstruction of W decays in WW→qq̄qq̄ and WW→ℓνqq̄ events in e+e- collisions at LEP. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 683 pb-1 collected with the ALEPH detector at centre-of-mass energies up to 209 GeV. To minimise any effect from colour reconnection a new procedure is adopted in which low energy particles are not considered in the mass determination from the qq̄qq̄ channel. The combined result from all channels is mW=80.440±0.043(stat.)±0.024(syst.)±0.009(FSI)±0.009(LEP)GeV/c2, where FSI represents the possible effects of final state interactions in the qq̄qq̄ channel and LEP indicates the uncertainty in the beam energy. From two-parameter fits to the W mass and width, the W width is found to be ΓW=2.14±0.09(stat.)±0.04(syst.)±0.05(FSI)±0.01(LEP)GeV.
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- Measurement of the $W$ boson mass and width in $e^+ e^-$ collisions at LEP. (deposited 03 Apr 2008 15:23) [Currently Displayed]