Multiprobe cosmology from the abundance of SPT clusters and DES galaxy clustering and weak lensing

Bocquet, S. and Grandis, S. and Krause, E. and To, C. and Bleem, L. E. and Klein, M. and Mohr, J. J. and Schrabback, T. and Alarcon, A. and Alves, O. and Amon, A. and Andrade-Oliveira, F. and Baxter, E. J. and Bechtol, K. and Becker, M. R. and Bernstein, G. M. and Blazek, J. and Camacho, H. and Campos, A. and Carnero Rosell, A. and Carrasco Kind, M. and Cawthon, R. and Chang, C. and Chen, R. and Choi, A. and Cordero, J. and Crocce, M. and Davis, C. and DeRose, J. and Diehl, H. T. and Dodelson, S. and Doux, C. and Drlica-Wagner, A. and Eckert, K. and Eifler, T. F. and Elsner, F. and Elvin-Poole, J. and Everett, S. and Fang, X. and Ferté, A. and Fosalba, P. and Friedrich, O. and Frieman, J. and Gatti, M. and Giannini, G. and Gruen, D. and Gruendl, R. A. and Harrison, I. and Hartley, W. G. and Herner, K. and Huang, H. and Huff, E. M. and Huterer, D. and Jarvis, M. and Kuropatkin, N. and Leget, P.-F. and Lemos, P. and Liddle, A. R. and MacCrann, N. and McCullough, J. and Muir, J. and Myles, J. and Navarro-Alsina, A. and Pandey, S. and Park, Y. and Porredon, A. and Prat, J. and Raveri, M. and Rollins, R. P. and Roodman, A. and Rosenfeld, R. and Rykoff, E. S. and Sánchez, C. and Sanchez, J. and Secco, L. F. and Sevilla-Noarbe, I. and Sheldon, E. and Shin, T. and Troxel, M. A. and Tutusaus, I. and Varga, T. N. and Weaverdyck, N. and Wechsler, R. H. and Wu, H.-Y. and Yanny, B. and Yin, B. and Zhang, Y. and Zuntz, J. and Abbott, T. M. C. and Ade, P. A. R. and Aguena, M. and Allam, S. and Allen, S. W. and Anderson, A. J. and Ansarinejad, B. and Austermann, J. E. and Bayliss, M. and Beall, J. A. and Bender, A. N. and Benson, B. A. and Bianchini, F. and Brodwin, M. and Brooks, D. and Bryant, L. and Burke, D. L. and Canning, R. E. A. and Carlstrom, J. E. and Carretero, J. and Castander, F. J. and Chang, C. L. and Chaubal, P. and Chiang, H. C. and Chou, T-L. and Citron, R. and Corbett Moran, C. and Costanzi, M. and Crawford, T. M. and Crites, A. T. and da Costa, L. N. and Pereira, M. E. S. and Davis, T. M. and de Haan, T. and Dobbs, M. A. and Doel, P. and Everett, W. and Farahi, A. and Flaugher, B. and Flores, A. M. and Floyd, B. and Gallicchio, J. and Gaztanaga, E. and George, E. M. and Gladders, M. D. and Gupta, N. and Gutierrez, G. and Halverson, N. W. and Hinton, S. R. and Hlavacek-Larrondo, J. and Holder, G. P. and Hollowood, D. L. and Holzapfel, W. L. and Hrubes, J. D. and Huang, N. and Hubmayr, J. and Irwin, K. D. and James, D. J. and Kéruzoré, F. and Khullar, G. and Kim, K. and Knox, L. and Kraft, R. and Kuehn, K. and Lahav, O. and Lee, A. T. and Lee, S. and Li, D. and Lidman, C. and Lima, M. and Lowitz, A. and Mahler, G. and Mantz, A. and Marshall, J. L. and McDonald, M. and McMahon, J. J. and Mena-Fernández, J. and Meyer, S. S. and Miquel, R. and Montgomery, J. and Natoli, T. and Nibarger, J. P. and Noble, G. I. and Novosad, V. and Ogando, R. L. C. and Padin, S. and Paschos, P. and Patil, S. and Plazas Malagón, A. A. and Pryke, C. and Reichardt, C. L. and Roberson, J. and Romer, A. K. and Romero, C. and Ruhl, J. E. and Saliwanchik, B. R. and Salvati, L. and Samuroff, S. and Sanchez, E. and Santiago, B. and Sarkar, A. and Saro, A. and Schaffer, K. K. and Sharon, K. and Sievers, C. and Smecher, G. and Smith, M. and Somboonpanyakul, T. and Sommer, M. and Stalder, B. and Stark, A. A. and Stephen, J. and Strazzullo, V. and Suchyta, E. and Swanson, M. E. C. and Tarle, G. and Thomas, D. and Tucker, C. and Tucker, D. L. and Veach, T. and Vieira, J. D. and von der Linden, A. and Wang, G. and Whitehorn, N. and Wu, W. L. K. and Yefremenko, V. and Young, M. and Zebrowski, J. A. and Zohren, H. (2025) Multiprobe cosmology from the abundance of SPT clusters and DES galaxy clustering and weak lensing. Physical Review D, 111 (6): 063533. ISSN 2470-0010

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Cosmic shear, galaxy clustering, and the abundance of massive halos each probe the large-scale structure of the Universe in complementary ways. We present cosmological constraints from the joint analysis of the three probes, building on the latest analyses of the lensing-informed abundance of clusters identified by the South Pole Telescope (SPT) and of the auto- and cross-correlation of galaxy position and weak lensing measurements (3×2pt) in the Dark Energy Survey (DES). We consider the cosmological correlation between the different tracers and we account for the systematic uncertainties that are shared between the large-scale lensing correlation functions and the small-scale lensing-based cluster mass calibration. Marginalized over the remaining Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) parameters (including the sum of neutrino masses) and 52 astrophysical modeling parameters, we measure Ωm=0.300±0.017 and σ8=0.797±0.026. Compared to constraints from primary cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies, our constraints are only 15% wider with a probability to exceed of 0.22 (1.2σ) for the two-parameter difference. We further obtain S8≡σ8(Ωm/0.3)0.5=0.796±0.013 which is lower than the measurement at the 1.6σ level. The combined SPT cluster, DES 3×2pt, and datasets mildly prefer a nonzero positive neutrino mass, with a 95% upper limit ∑mν<0.25 eV on the sum of neutrino masses. Assuming a wCDM model, we constrain the dark energy equation of state parameter w=−1.15−0.17+0.23 and when combining with primary CMB anisotropies, we recover w=−1.20−0.09+0.15, a 1.7σ difference with a cosmological constant. The precision of our results highlights the benefits of multiwavelength multiprobe cosmology and our analysis paves the way for upcoming joint analyses of next-generation datasets.

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Journal Article
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Physical Review D
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24 Mar 2025 13:55
Last Modified:
25 Mar 2025 02:30