Reynolds, G. L. and Hamilton-Taylor, J. (1992) The role of planktonic algae in the cycling of Zn and Cu in a productive soft-water lake. Limnology and Oceanography, 37 (8). pp. 1759-1769.
Abstract-Concentrations of dissolved Zn and Cu were measured alongside biomass (algal numbers, organic C, and Chl a) and dissolved micronutrients (P, Si) over an 8-week period, covering a pronounced bloom of the diatom, Asterionella. The distribution of dissolved Zn appears to be affected by algal cycling in two ways: in the period up to and including the diatom maximum, dissolved Zn correlates (P < 0.01) positively with phosphate and silicate, indicating atomic C : P : Zn ratios of 106 : 1 : 0.034, and negatively with Chl a; and following stratification, epilimnetic concentrations are significantly (P < 0.01) less than those in the hypolimnion. Dissolved Cu distributions are unaffected by the spring diatom bloom. The Zn and Cu contents of the diatom standing crop were also determined by elemental analysis of suspended particulate material in two consecutive years, providing independent estimates of metal stoichiometry. Mass budgets indicate a substantial removal and transfer to the sediments of Zn via phytoplankton, but a negligible effect on the cycling of Cu.