Interplant signalling through hyphal networks

Johnson, David and Gilbert, Lucy (2015) Interplant signalling through hyphal networks. New Phytologist, 205 (4). pp. 1448-1453. ISSN 0028-646X

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Mycorrhizal fungi can form common mycelial networks (CMNs) that interconnect plants. Here, we provide an insight into recent findings demonstrating that CMNs can be conduits for interplant signalling, influencing defence against insect herbivores and foliar necrotrophic fungi. A likely mechanism is direct transfer of signalling molecules within hyphae. However, electrical signals, which can be induced by wounding, may also enable signalling over relatively long distances, because the biophysical constraints imposed by liquid transport in hyphae and interaction with soil are relieved. We do not yet understand the ecological, evolutionary and agronomic implications of interplant signalling via CMNs. Identifying the mechanism of interplant signalling will help to address these gaps.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
New Phytologist
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? aphidscommunicationelectrical and chemical signallingevolutionfitnessherbivorymycorrhizavolatile organic compounds (vocs)medicine(all) ??
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Deposited On:
17 Mar 2025 10:15
Last Modified:
17 Mar 2025 10:15