Supernova Pointing Capabilities of DUNE

Blake, A. and Brailsford, D. and Gu, L. and Mawby, I. and Mouster, G. and Nowak, Agnieszka and Nowak, J. A. and Ratoff, P. (2025) Supernova Pointing Capabilities of DUNE. Physical Review D. ISSN 1550-7998 (In Press)

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The determination of the direction of a stellar core collapse via its neutrino emission is crucial for the identification of the progenitor for a multimessenger follow-up. A highly effective method of reconstructing supernova directions within the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is introduced. The supernova neutrino pointing resolution is studied by simulating and reconstructing electron-neutrino charged-current absorption on $^{40}$Ar and elastic scattering of neutrinos on electrons. Procedures to reconstruct individual interactions, including a newly developed technique called ``brems flipping'', as well as the burst direction from an ensemble of interactions are described. Performance of the burst direction reconstruction is evaluated for supernovae happening at a distance of 10 kpc for a specific supernova burst flux model. The pointing resolution is found to be 3.4 degrees at 68% coverage for a perfect interaction-channel classification and a fiducial mass of 40 kton, and 6.6 degrees for a 10 kton fiducial mass respectively. Assuming a 4% rate of charged-current interactions being misidentified as elastic scattering, DUNE's burst pointing resolution is found to be 4.3 degrees (8.7 degrees) at 68% coverage.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Physical Review D
Additional Information:
25 pages, 16 figures
?? hep-exastro-ph.heastro-ph.imastro-ph.srnucl-exphysics.ins-det ??
ID Code:
Deposited By:
Deposited On:
24 Feb 2025 11:10
In Press
Last Modified:
28 Feb 2025 01:43