Wimperis, Stephen and Pavlovskaya, Galina E (2025) Double-quantum filtered 23Na NMR and MRI : Selective detection of ordered sodium in an inhomogeneous B0 field. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 371: 107810. ISSN 1090-7807
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
Double-quantum filtered Na NMR experiments with one or two "magic angle" (54.7°) pulses in the filter step are widely used for selective observation of sodium ions that are interacting with ordered biological structures ("ordered sodium") and hence exhibit a distribution of quadrupolar splittings in their NMR spectrum. This approach has recently been extended to Na MRI where the conventional experiment has been modified, omitting the 180° pulse to reduce the absorption of radiofrequency energy during human studies. Here, the "magic angle" double-quantum filtered Na NMR experiment (without a 180° pulse) is analysed in terms of coherence pathways that lead to refocusing in an inhomogeneous B field ("echoes") and those that do not ("antiechoes"). It is shown that the echo and antiecho pathways can be separated by phase cycling and that the antiecho pathway contributes very little to the overall signal in an inhomogeneous B field. Hence, a double-quantum filtered Na NMR experiment that utilises just the echo pathway and so achieves complete refocusing of the effects of B inhomogeneity without making use of a 180° pulse is proposed. The new method is demonstrated both in Na NMR spectroscopy in an inhomogeneous B field and in Na MRI of a three-component phantom. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.]