Navigating Tensions Between Indigeneity and Social Media Participation : A Case Study of the Guarani Community in South America

Smailhodzic, Edin and Fernandes, Aline and Dube, Nonhlanhla and Tarafdar, Monideepa (2024) Navigating Tensions Between Indigeneity and Social Media Participation : A Case Study of the Guarani Community in South America. Information Systems Journal. ISSN 1350-1917

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This study investigates inherent tensions between social media participation and the ways of life in an Indigenous community and subsequent navigation approaches. Relying on an in‐depth qualitative study and the notion of two‐eyed seeing as a theoretical approach, the study focuses on the complex relationship between social media platform participation and the ways of life in a ‘Guarani’ Indigenous community in South America. This community successfully navigates tensions between participation on social media platforms and preserving their traditional ways of life. We contribute to two streams of literature. First, we contribute to the literature on digital platforms and indigeneity showing that social media use by Indigenous communities leads to specific tensions, as these communities try to balance the use of social media with their desire to preserve their ways of life and protect the natural environment and how they navigate these tensions. Second, we contribute to the literature in relation to digital platforms and non‐economic value as we unpack social and environmental value in the context of the Indigenous community and show that non‐economic value benefits multiple entities. Overall, we contribute to a deeper understanding of how Indigenous communities navigate tensions between participation on social media and their traditional way of life. Our study also offers practical insights into how policy makers and designers of social media platforms can better meet Indigenous communities' needs.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Information Systems Journal
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? indigenous communitytensionssocial media participationsoftwarecomputer networks and communicationsinformation systems ??
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Deposited On:
02 Dec 2024 10:00
Last Modified:
08 Feb 2025 01:26