Conditional Extremes with Graphical Models

Farrell, Aiden and Eastoe, Emma and Lee, Clement (2024) Conditional Extremes with Graphical Models. (Unpublished)

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Multivariate extreme value analysis quantifies the probability and magnitude of joint extreme events. River discharges from the upper Danube River basin provide a challenging dataset for such analysis because the data, which is measured on a spatial network, exhibits both asymptotic dependence and asymptotic independence. To account for both features, we extend the conditional multivariate extreme value model (CMEVM) with a new approach for the residual distribution. This allows sparse (graphical) dependence structures and fully parametric prediction. Our approach fills a current gap in statistical methodology for graphical extremes, where existing models require asymptotic independence. Further, the model can be used to learn the graphical dependence structure when it is unknown a priori. To support inference in high dimensions, we propose a stepwise inference procedure that is computationally efficient and loses no information or predictive power. We show our method is flexible and accurately captures the extremal dependence for the upper Danube River basin discharges.

Item Type:
Journal Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:
Research Output Funding/yes_internally_funded
?? extremal dependencegraphical extremesconditional multivariate extremessparsityriver networksyes - internally funded ??
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Deposited On:
27 Nov 2024 09:35
Last Modified:
27 Nov 2024 09:35