Mildly explosive eruptions at Martian low-shield volcanoes

Pieterek, Bartosz and Jones, Thomas J. (2024) Mildly explosive eruptions at Martian low-shield volcanoes. Communications Earth & Environment, 5 (1): 542. ISSN 2662-4435

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Ongoing acquisition of Martian surface imagery constantly provides new opportunities to reveal previously undiscovered small-scale volcanic landforms, yielding critical insights into volcanic processes, and challenging existing inferences. Here, using the most recent, high-resolution topographical data, we mapped the accumulation of pyroclastic deposits occurring along the margins of several volcanic vents. They share morphological similarities with terrestrial volcanic deposits attributed to low-intensity lava fountaining occurring during mild explosive activity. Our identified, explosive volcanic deposits are associated with late Amazonian volcanic activity in Tharsis. The identification of these very recent (

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Communications Earth & Environment
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Deposited On:
01 Oct 2024 08:25
Last Modified:
12 Dec 2024 00:39