Evaluating trends in damage to attractive targeted sugar baits (ATSBs) deployed during the second year of a two-year Phase III trial in Western Zambia

Kyomuhangi, Irene and Yukich, Joshua and Saili, Kochelani and Orange, Erica and Masuzyo, Mundia H. and Mwenya, Mwansa and Mambo, Patricia and Hamainza, Busiku and Wagman, Joe and Miller, John and Chanda, Javan and Silumbe, Kafula and Littrell, Megan and Eisele, Thomas P. and Ashton, Ruth A. (2024) Evaluating trends in damage to attractive targeted sugar baits (ATSBs) deployed during the second year of a two-year Phase III trial in Western Zambia. Malaria Journal, 23 (1): 263. ISSN 1475-2875

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Background: Attractive Targeted Sugar Baits (ATSBs) are a proposed new vector control tool for malaria that contain sugar and an ingestion toxicant, and are designed to attract and kill sugar-feeding mosquitoes. During a two-arm cluster randomized Phase III trial conducted in Zambia to test the efficacy of ATSB stations on malaria incidence, ATSB stations deployed on eligible household structures within intervention clusters were routinely monitored to ensure their good physical condition and high coverage. This study investigates trends in prevalence and rate of damage to ATSB stations during year 2 of the two-year trial. Methods: The analysis was conducted using monitoring data collected in year 2, which included types of damage observed, location, and date of removal and/or replacement of ATSB stations. The study evaluated temporal trends in the prevalence of overall damage and different damage types among 68,299 ATSB stations deployed. A profile of all ATSB stations installed on each structure was constructed, and spatial analyses conducted on overall damage and different damage types observed on 18,890 structures. Mixed effects regression analyses were conducted to investigate drivers of damage to ATSB stations on these structures. Results: Prevalence of overall damage and different damage types was temporally and spatially heterogeneous. Among damaged ATSB stations observed during monitoring, tears and mold had the highest prevalences on average, with tears maintaining above 50.0% prevalence through most of the monitoring period, while mold prevalence increased steadily during the first few months, peaking in February. Overall, 45.6% of structures had at least one damaged ATSB station, however this varied spatially across the trial site. Both structure characteristics and environmental factors significantly impacted the odds and rate of damage to ATSB stations on structures, including: ATSB stations’ level of protection from rainfall and sunshine; roof and wall material of the structure; night-time temperature; rainfall; enhanced vegetation index, and land cover. Conclusion: Damage to ATSB stations in this setting was common and was temporally and spatially heterogeneous. This has implications on operational feasibility, sustainability, and cost of future deployment. Further research is required to understand the mechanisms of damage, and to minimize prevalence and rate of damage to ATSB stations.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Malaria Journal
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? attractive targeted sugar baitmalariavector controlinfectious diseasesparasitology ??
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Deposited On:
30 Aug 2024 08:40
Last Modified:
07 Sep 2024 00:38