Berger, Arne and Weller, Julia and Sturdee, Miriam and Green, David Philip and Benjamin, Jesse and Soro, Alessandro and Gamboa, Mafalda and Lindley, Joseph (2024) Research through Designers : A Pictorial Reflection on Engagements, Encounters, and Environments at a Design Research Jamboree. In: DRS2024: Research Papers :. DRS2024 Boston: Design Research Society Conference 2024 . Design Research Society, USA. ISBN 9781912294626
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
We picture design researchers’ engagement with the task of capturing the value of Research through Design during a week-long event. The images are selected to document set and seYng, hands-on ac>vi>es, human and more-than-human en- counters, and material engagements with the theories, methods, and prac>ces of design research. The text is deliberately minimal, offering contextualiza>on from the photographer and the organizer of the event, as well as commentary from aIendees on material outcomes and bodily presences; context and environment; disciplinary esthe>cs; and social commentary from two non-aIendees. We offer this record of process to inspire design researchers to further engage with prac>cal, hands-on, close-up, personal, bodily reflec>ve engagements of what it means to do design re- search. We also aim to further advance the form of primarily photographic pictorials in HCI.