Minimal special degenerations and duality

Juteau, Daniel and Levy, Paul and Sommers, Eric (2024) Minimal special degenerations and duality. Other. Arxiv.

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This paper includes the classification, in a simple Lie algebra, of the singularities of Slodowy slices between special nilpotent orbits that are adjacent in the partial order on nilpotent orbits. The irreducible components of most singularities are (up to normalization) either a simple surface singularity or the closure of a minimal special nilpotent orbit in a smaller rank Lie algebra. Besides those cases, there are some exceptional cases that arise as certain quotients of the closure of a minimal orbit in types A2 and Dn. We also consider the action on the slice of the fundamental group of the smaller orbit. With this action, we observe that under Lusztig-Spaltenstein duality, in most cases, a simple surface singularity is interchanged with the closure of a minimal special orbit of Langlands dual type (or a cover of it with action). This empirical observation generalizes an observation of Kraft and Procesi in type An, where all nilpotent orbits are special. We also resolve a conjecture of Lusztig that concerns the intersection cohomology of slices between special nilpotent orbits.

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Monograph (Other)
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Deposited On:
11 Nov 2024 17:10
Last Modified:
26 Feb 2025 02:45