CircuitGlue : A Software Configurable Converter for Interconnecting Multiple Heterogeneous Electronic Components

Lambrichts, Mannu and Ramakers, Raf and Hodges, Steve and Devine, James and Underwood, Lorraine and Finney, Joe (2023) CircuitGlue : A Software Configurable Converter for Interconnecting Multiple Heterogeneous Electronic Components. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 7 (2): 63. 63:1-63:30. ISSN 2474-9567

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We present CircuitGlue, an electronic converter board that allows heterogeneous electronic components to be readily interconnected. Electronic components are plugged into an eight-pin programmable header on the board, and the assignment of each pin in the header is configured in software. CircuitGlue supports a variety of connections, including power, ground, analog signals, and various digital protocols at different voltages. As such, off-the-shelf electronic components and modules are instantly compatible no matter what voltage levels, interface types, communication protocols, and pinouts they use. In this paper, we demonstrate the use of CircuitGlue to ease and expedite prototyping with electronics and we explore new opportunities enabled by CircuitGlue. Finally, we reflect on the results of a preliminary user study evaluating the usability of CircuitGlue for people new to electronics.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies
Uncontrolled Keywords:
Research Output Funding/no_not_funded
?? computer networks and communicationshardware and architecturehuman-computer interactionno - not funded ??
ID Code:
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Deposited On:
14 Jun 2024 11:05
Last Modified:
27 Nov 2024 01:56