Electronic quantum wires in extended quasiparticle picture

Morawetz, Klaus and Ashokan, Vinod and Pathak, K. N. and Drummond, Neil and Cuniberti, G (2024) Electronic quantum wires in extended quasiparticle picture. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 109 (20): 205116. ISSN 1098-0121

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Expanding the two-particle Green's functions determines the self-energy and the polarization as well as the response function on the same footing. The correlation energy is calculated with the help of the extended quasiparticle picture, which accounts for off-shell effects. The corresponding response function leads to the same correlation energy as the self-energy in agreement with perturbation theory, provided one works in the extended quasiparticle picture. A one-dimensional quantum wire of fermions is considered and ground-state properties are calculated in the high-density regime within the extended quasiparticle picture and Born approximation. While the on-shell selfenergies are strictly zero due to Pauli-blocking of elastic scattering, the off-shell behavior shows a rich structure of a gap in the damping of excitation, which is closed when the momentum approaches the Fermi one. The consistent spectral function is presented, completing the first two energy-weighted sum rules. The excitation spectrum shows a splitting due to holons and antiholons as non-Fermi liquid behavior. A renormalization procedure is proposed by subtracting an energy constant to render the Fock exchange energy finite. The effective mass derived from meanfield approximation shows a dip analogous to the onset of Peierls instability. The reduced density matrix or momentum distribution is calculated with the help of a Padé regularization repairing deficiencies of the perturbation theory. A seemingly finite step at the Fermi energy indicating Fermi-liquid behavior is repaired in this way.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Uncontrolled Keywords:
Research Output Funding/no_not_funded
?? no - not funded ??
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Deposited On:
22 May 2024 08:35
Last Modified:
30 Dec 2024 01:32