From virtual teams to virtuality in teams

Dixon, Keith R. and Panteli, Niki (2010) From virtual teams to virtuality in teams. Human Relations, 63 (8). pp. 1177-1197. ISSN 0018-7267

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In this article we propose to go beyond the dichotomy of virtual vs collocated teams to look instead at virtuality in teams. In so doing, we argue that technology-mediated interactions do not substitute but rather complement face-to-face interactions.We adopt a definition of virtuality in teams based on discontinuities and pursue an understanding of their dynamics in an in-depth case study of an inter-organizational virtual centre of excellence.The findings present evidence suggesting the formation of 'virtual continuities' that mitigate the effects that create discontinuities. This, we argue, enriches our understanding of the complex dynamics of virtuality. The theoretical implications are discussed.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Human Relations
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? communicationgroup communicationnew technologyteamsvirtualitywork environmentarts and humanities (miscellaneous)general social sciencesstrategy and managementmanagement of technology and innovationsocial sciences(all) ??
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Deposited On:
06 Feb 2024 10:20
Last Modified:
02 Jan 2025 01:48