Investigating the Superconducting Properties and Surface Morphology of Sputtered Nb Films on Cu Due to Laser Treatment

Turner, Daniel Andrew and Malyshev, O. B. and Burt, G. and Seiler, E. and Ries, R. and Medvids, A. and Onufrijevs, P. and Valizadeh, R. and Sublet, A. and Pira, C. and Chyhyrynets, E. and Vogel, M. and Leith, S. and Junginger, T. (2023) Investigating the Superconducting Properties and Surface Morphology of Sputtered Nb Films on Cu Due to Laser Treatment. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 33 (4): 7500512. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1051-8223

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Bulk niobium is currently the material of choice for superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities and is a well matured process. However, it is possible that SRF cavities could be further improved beyond bulk Nb by sputtering thin Nb films onto Cu cavities. Copper has a greater thermal conductivity than Nb and is also easier to machine, while sputtering films on the surface reduces the amount of Nb used to fabricate the whole cavity. However, sputtering Nb on Cu produces other issues, for example, the surface quality of the Cu affects the quality of the Nb deposited on the surface and therefore the superconducting parameters. As the Nb on the surface is not perfect, the magnetic field produced by the RF can enter the cavity earlier than expected, producing RF losses, which can in turn lead to a quench. One approach is to treat the Nb post deposition by irradiating the surface using a laser to polish the surface of the Nb and increase the surface magnetic field that the cavity can maintain while remaining in the Meissner state. A magnetic field penetration experiment designed and built at Daresbury Laboratory has been used to measure the field of full flux penetration to characterize the effect of the laser treatment on the superconducting properties of the Nb. Surface characterization and the response of the Nb in a dc magnetic field have also been performed to try and provide an explanation for the change in the superconducting properties. The results demonstrate that the laser treatment can lead to an increase in the magnetic field at which the flux penetrates from one side of the sample to the other, thus it could potentially improve the performance of Nb coated RF cavities.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? electrical and electronic engineeringcondensed matter physicselectronic, optical and magnetic materialselectronic, optical and magnetic materialselectrical and electronic engineeringcondensed matter physics ??
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Deposited On:
15 Dec 2023 09:45
Last Modified:
18 Jan 2025 02:14