Gere, Charlie (2016) Media. Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory, 24 (1). pp. 343-355. ISSN 1077-4254
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In this year’s chapter, covering work published in 2015, I continue to look at some of the ways that those concerned with media address the question of the Anthropocene. If, in Friedrich Kittler’s words, media determine our situation, and there is no outside-media, then the media are central to the Anthropocene, and this necessitates rethinking what media is and, who or what, mediates what or who through it. Such a thinking necessitates questioning some of the boundaries and binaries that have traditionally enframed our understanding of media, including those between humans and nonhumans, between nature and culture, between the living and the non-living. The books discussed in this chapter may be seen as symptomatic of the context in which the need for this questioning has arisen. In different ways they address the whole set of issues around the relation between the media and the ecology. Not all of them are presented as books on media per se but in each, the question of media is in one way or another, central.