Domains, text types, aspect marking and English-Chinese translation.

McEnery, A. M. and Xiao, R. Z. (2002) Domains, text types, aspect marking and English-Chinese translation. Languages in Contrast, 2 (2). pp. 211-229. ISSN 1569-9897

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This paper uses an English-Chinese parallel corpus, an L1 Chinese comparable corpus, and an L1 Chinese reference corpus to examine how aspectual meanings in English are translated into Chinese and explore the effects of domains, text types and translation on aspect marking. We will show that while English and Chinese both mark aspect grammatically, the aspect system in the two languages differs considerably. Even though Chinese, as an aspect language, is rich in aspect markers, covert marking (LVM) is a frequent and important strategy in Chinese discourse. The distribution of aspect markers varies significantly across domain and text type. The study also sheds new light on the translation effect by contrasting aspect marking in translated Chinese texts and L1 Chinese texts.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Languages in Contrast
Additional Information:
The PDF offprint of this paper is available to subscribers of "Languages in Contrast". Volume 2 for 1999 was delayed for publication until 2002. The version available here is the final manuscript.
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? aspect markingdomaintext typegeneral psychologylinguistics and languagegeneral social sciencesgeneral arts and humanitiespsychology(all)social sciences(all)arts and humanities(all)p philology. linguistics ??
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Deposited On:
25 Feb 2008 16:15
Last Modified:
28 Mar 2025 01:22