Designing and Implementing a Concrete Informatics Curriculum for School

Caspersen, Michael and Diethelm, Ira and Gal-Ezer, Judith and McGettrick, Andrew and Nardelli, Enrico and Passey, Don and Rovan, Branislav and Webb, Mary (2022) Designing and Implementing a Concrete Informatics Curriculum for School. Informatics for All Coalition.

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In order to benefit from the Informatics Reference Framework for School1, and to implement it successfully for the benefit of pupils in each country, two main tasks need to be addressed. Firstly, it is of utmost importance to have well-educated teachers of informatics. Secondly, it is also important to have concrete curricula designed to take into account particular situations and needs in each country, as well as accommodating age and appropriate stages of development of pupils. General curriculum design approaches and pedagogy should be tailored to the specifics of informatics. Some ideas and experiences to guide decision makers and curriculum designers in this respect are presented in this document. This document focuses on pedagogical issues and related concerns that should be considered when using the Informatics Reference Framework for School for the development of concrete curricula. Factors to consider in the development of well-educated teachers are presented in Section 3.1; general curriculum design considerations are presented in Section 3.2; and specific challenges of creating learning activities, learning outcomes and designing for overarching features such as inclusion and diversity are addressed in Section 3.3.

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?? informatics educationcomputer science educationcompulsory schoolscurriculumimplementationcurriculum designcurriculum planning ??
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Deposited On:
06 Dec 2022 15:10
Last Modified:
16 Jul 2024 06:50