Paalanen, Mikko and Hahtela, O. and Kemppinen, A. and Maisi, V. and Manninen, A. and Satrapinski, A. and Hassel, J. and Helisto, P. and Seppa, H. and Hakonen, P. and Kafanov, S. and Mottonen, M. and Pekola, J. and Averin, D. and Pashkin, Y. and Tsai, J. (2010) Progress Report on Closing the Quantum Metrological Triangle. American Physical Society, APS March Meeting 2010, March 15-19,2010.
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
Quantum Metrological Triangle is made out of three components: Josephson voltage standard, Quantum Hall resistance standard and an accurate current pump. Closing the Triangle consists of applying Ohm's law with great accuracy on the three devices, which are based on fundamental physical phenomena and quantities, such as Planck's constant and electron charge. The first two devices are already accepted international metrological standards. We will report on our recent progress in developing an accurate current pump, based on a hybrid single electron transistor, and compare it with other current pumps. We will also report on new ideas in developing the low noise current amplifier, needed for testing the Ohm's law, and describe our overall plans for closing the Triangle along with the expected uncertainties.