Re-visiting collaborative behavior in supply networks – structural embeddedness and the influence of contextual changes and sanctions

Nair, Anand and Blome, Constantin and Choi, Thomas Y. and Lee, Gyusuk (2018) Re-visiting collaborative behavior in supply networks – structural embeddedness and the influence of contextual changes and sanctions. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 24 (2). pp. 135-150. ISSN 1478-4092

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This study considers decision making beyond a dyadic buyer-supplier context to the network context. Decisions made by firms are shaped by behavioral norms within the supply network as perceived by the decision makers. Firms can perceive themselves to be part of a collaborative regime or one in which the potential for non-cooperation is high. Further, the ability to put sanctions on non-cooperating firms could shape the overall behavioral patterns in the network. To gain further insights into these aspects and their interactive effects on firm behavior, our study investigates decision-making in supply network by means of behavioral experiments. By organizing practicing managers in a supply network, the study investigates the role of structural embeddedness, incentive structure, and sanctioning mechanisms on the level of collaboration. The results of this study confirm that while sanctions are detrimental for collaborative behavior in a supply network, they play an important role when the underlying norms of governance of such a network are perturbed. The results show that structural embeddedness provides a context that aids adaptive collaborative behavior by firms that are part of the supply network. Once the incentive structure is altered such that there is a higher payoff from defection, the adaptive collaborative behavior is replaced by a behavior in which firms try to maximize their returns and forego collaborative decision-making behavior.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management
Additional Information:
Publisher Copyright: © 2017 Elsevier Ltd
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? behavioral experimentscollaborationincentive structurepanel data analysissanctionssupply networksstrategy and managementmarketing ??
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Deposited On:
04 Oct 2022 07:50
Last Modified:
13 Sep 2024 14:10